To combat overtourism and make traffic flow more smoothly in the streets of Portofino, near Genoa, visitors are now prohibited from stopping to walk in busy places.

Every year, Portofino, a small Italian village of 400 inhabitants about thirty kilometers from Genoa, sees hundreds of tourists gather daily. Huge crowds have become a problem. And who pushed local elected officials to act, reports the Italian newspaper Corriere della Serarelayed by our colleagues from Parisian.

To regulate pedestrian traffic, tourists are now prohibited from stopping to walk in certain areas.

This measure “is not for the tourist who arrives alone, but for those who get off the cruise ships with guides”, justifies the mayor of the city.

The decree, published a few weeks ago, is in force at least until October 15, 2023. It is therefore forbidden to stop walking in the “red zones” between 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Fine of up to 275 euros

Visitors who stop to take selfies risk a fine of between 68 and 275 euros, although the measure is primarily intended to raise awareness among tourists rather than punish them.

It is not the first time that an Italian city has decided to take measures to try to combat mass tourism. Few years ago, Venice has put forward the idea of ​​introducing an entry tax for visitors.

In southern Italy, the mayor of Sorrento issued a decree in 2022 prohibiting tourists from walking around bare-chested once they have left the beach.

“These indecent behaviors can cause embarrassment and discomfort among the resident population and visitors. This can give a negative image of the quality of life in Sorrento, with significant repercussions on its reputation and its tourism”, justified Massimo Coppola.

Tourists who did not respect this rule were fined by the police and had to pay a fine of 25 to 500 euros.


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