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“In my opinion it was wrong”: King Carl Gustaf quarrels with changing the succession to the throne

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From: Susanne Kroeber


The title of crown prince was revoked retrospectively from his son Carl Philip – a decision that the Swedish king Carl Gustaf seems to regret to this day.

Stockholm – It has been more than 40 years since the law of succession was changed in Sweden, but apparently this decision has made King Carl XVI. Gustaf (76) is still possible. When his son Carl Philip (43) was born on May 13, 1979, he was the rightful Crown Prince of Sweden, but his older sister Victoria (45) was retrospectively named heir to the throne.

“As a father, I thought it was terrible”: King Carl XVI. Gustaf regrets change in law

On January 1, 1980, the new rules of succession to the throne came into force in Sweden. Since previously only male descendants could become heirs to the throne, the firstborn has inherited the throne ever since. Even then, King Carl Gustaf explained to the Swedish newspaper Vestmanland County Tidning: “Personally, I would like my son Carl Philip to succeed me. I am sure that the majority of the Swedish people want a king on the throne.” For girls, the job is “too difficult”.

Does King Carl Gustaf of Sweden (middle) regret not having his son Carl Philip (right) as heir to the throne instead of daughter Victoria (left) (photomontage)? © PPE/Imago

And so it seems King Carl XVI. Gustaf has not moved away from this opinion to this day. In an interview with the Swedish TV channel SVT1, Queen Silvia’s husband (79) admitted that the change in the law still annoys him. “In my opinion, it was wrong to change the Basic Law retrospectively. My son Carl Philip was already born, and suddenly everything changes,” says Carl Gustaf. “As a father, I thought it was awful.”

Succession to the throne in Sweden

1. Crown Princess Victoria (45), eldest child of King Carl Gustaf

2. Princess Estelle (10), eldest child of Princess Victoria

3. Prince Oscar (6), second child of Princess Victoria

4. Prince Carl Philip (43), second child of King Carl Gustaf

5. Prince Alexander (6), eldest child of Prince Carl Philip

6. Prince Gabriel (5), second child of Prince Carl Philip

7. Prince Julian (1), third child of Prince Carl Philip

8. Princess Madeleine (40), youngest child of King Carl Gustaf

9. Princess Leonore (8), eldest child of Princess Madeleine

10. Prince Nicolas (7), second child of Princess Madeleine

11. Princess Adrienne (4), third child of Princess Madeleine

King Carl XVI withdraws Gustaf: Statements “no criticism of Crown Princess Victoria”

His interview caused so much headwind in Sweden that the royal court felt compelled to publish a statement from the king. In it, Carl Gustaf backtracked: “It pains me deeply that the comments were interpreted as not standing behind my daughter, Crown Princess Victoria. I would therefore like to make it clear that my statement is not a criticism of the female succession to the throne or of Crown Princess Victoria,” said King Carl XVI. gustaf “The Crown Princess is my successor. (…) I am proud of her and her tireless commitment to Sweden.”

Princess Victoria does not seem to blame her father for the statements, both appeared harmoniously together when skiing after the interview. And Carl Philip has never publicly complained that his title of crown prince was withdrawn retrospectively. When visiting an indoor playground, he now commented very diplomatically: “I support both papa in his testimony and my older sister.” British royals against whom Prince Harry raises serious allegations. Sources:,,

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