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“In paradise”: the different vacations of Gime Accardi and Nico Vázquez

moans accardi and Nico Vázquez are one of the favorite couples in Argentine show business, as they have proven to be one of the most stable and constantly attract the attention of the tabloids with every step they take.

This time, the actor and the former friend of China Suárez took refuge in San Martín de los Andes to enjoy the paradisiacal lakes and landscapes of Argentine Patagonia; although, the detail is that moans accardi and Nico Vázquez decided to observe all this beauty far away from luxury hotels or romantic inns.

Accardi and Vázquez took advantage of this adventure to walk through the lakes of Patagonia.

“Camping in paradise”, were the words that Nico Vázquez used to show some images of him and moans accardi inside a tent and in a place very close to a very frequented lake in the area. It should be noted that this decision by celebrities drew a lot of attention from fans, who did not hesitate to celebrate their decision and thank them for showing these corners of Argentina.

The couple narrated through their social networks how this experience was in one of the most beautiful areas of Argentina.

In addition, The couple lived the adventure of camping to the fullest, since in their Instagram stories they have shown themselves collecting wood for the fire and even how the odyssey of setting up the tent was. In turn, they also took the opportunity to narrate that they had forgotten the cutlery, which is why it was difficult for them to eat.

Nico and Gime, from luxury to camping

But long before the favorite villain on television and her partner decided to embark on this adventure, they decided to go through Rosario to make an appearance at one of the most anticipated parties in Argentina: Lionel Messi’s party to bid farewell to the year 2022 and celebrate the third World Cup.

The media prepared their camping tents and even made a small bonfire.

“Your happiness is ours,” Vázquez wrote in a photograph where he appears with Ángel Di María, Leandro Paredes and the host of the night.

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