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In tears, Shannen Doherty gives news of her state of health after the announcement of her cancer

Shannen Doherty enjoyed a meeting with alumni Beverly Hills in Tampa, Florida to give, very moved, news of his health, while the cancer had spread to his brain.

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Shannen Doherty found success in the 90s starring in two cult series, Beverly Hills 90210Then Charmed. The interpreter of Brenda Walsh revealed in 2015 that she had breast cancer. Two years later, she was happy to be in remission. But in March 2020, she confided that the illness struck her again and that her cancer had returned. “It’s going to come out in a few days or a week that… I’m in the fourth stage. So my cancer came back and that’s why I’m here. I don’t think I’ve accepted it yet. It’s a bitter pill that’s hard to swallow in many ways. There are definitely days when I say to myself, ‘Why me?’ And then I’m like, ‘Well, why not me?’ I prefer people to hear it from me“, she revealed.

The actress of Beverly Hills shares some confidences about his health

Last June, Shannen Doherty made a worrying announcement about her health. His cancer has spread to his brain. “On January 5, my CT scan showed that I had metastases to my brain“, she announced. In her misfortune, the actress can count on the support of those who played alongside her, like Alyssa Milano. Brian Austin Green had indicated that the actress was doing well, he a few days ago. She took advantage of a reunion of formerand Beverly Hills, this Sunday September 17, to make a public appearance and give his news, as reported People. Tori Spelling, Jason Priestley, Jennie Garth, Ian Ziering, Brian Austin Green and Gabrielle Carteris were present alongside him in Tampa, Florida to discuss the cult series. I fight for my life every day.”, declared the actress, in tears, to the audience, very moved to find her. I think I’m doing very well.”, she added.

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Shannen Doherty to launch podcast where she goes “reveal all”

She took the opportunity to joke about her separation last April from her third husband, photographer Kurt Iswarienko, after 11 years of marriage. “My other job is getting engaged, married and divorced, and I do it very well.” declared the one who divorced three times. She also announced the launch of her podcast in November. He will be baptized Let’s Be Clear (Let’s be clear) and its summary already seems promising. “It will be a live, interactive memoir,” she explained. “So you will hear everything I refused to say before. I intend to reveal everything, but gently!”she added.

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