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“In the background”: Zaira Nara broke the silence about her friendship with Paula Chaves

Zaira Nara She is one of the most sought-after models this summer due to her relationship with Facundo Pieres, ex-partner of her friend Paula Chaves, and her interesting vacations in Punta del Este where she has met at events with Susana Giménez and other important media figures.

Even this media event has allowed Zaira Nara Today she is one of the most expensive celebrities in the show, after her sister Wanda Nara and Pampita. However, not everything has been rosy for the goddess of the catwalks, since it is believed that her deepest friendship could hang in the balance.

“Everything is more than fine. There is no problem there. Clearly, when there is such a deep friendship, there are things that are in second flat. I am Filipa’s godmother. She should go to Carlos Paz to visit them. Maybe I’ll make a hole after this season here”said Zaira Nara to the medium “Partners of the Show”.

On the other hand, there is the opinion of the Telefe star who spoke in front of the “LAM” cameras and clarified that everything is more than fine with her eternal friend, although she did hint at some discomfort with the next visits, since she could be Introduce your ex.

“Everything is fine. We talked two days ago and we have a relationship of many years. I love her and she is my friend, we will see how we settle in as the days go by. We have to see how we merge this new thing,” said the model.

Zaira Nara and her photos in Punta del Este

Although it is speculated that Wanda Nara’s sister and the polo player have been in an affair for many months, it was after this trip to Punta del Este that some photographs appeared in the press together, which for many Internet users was the laundering of this new couple.

The model has been seen with Facundo Pieres at some events and on the beach.

Nevertheless, Zaira Nara He has not spoken about it and decided to talk about the pressure he feels by having the paparazzi cameras nearby. “I’m on the farthest beach drinking mates and I see them with those cameras that look like they’re going to shoot. I understand this work more than anyone because it’s part of all this, but there’s a feeling of outburst,” she said.

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