Sofa Vergara confesses that she does not know how to cook

MIAMI.- DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS presents In the life of the famous: news, trends and more, a weekly summary with the most relevant facts of the show and entertainment.

Kate Middleton must undergo another surgery

Kate Middleton has already gone through the most difficult stage of cancer treatment, as reported by Vanity Fair a few days ago; However, it emerged that the Princess of Wales will have to undergo another surgery once the chemotherapy process is complete.

A report of Today revealed that the wife of the heir to the British throne will have to undergo surgery in August.

“Sources close to the (British) royalty assure that the worst for Kate Middleton has not yet passed. According to the information, the Princess of Wales would finish chemotherapy next August and after that she would have to undergo a new surgery , something that the royalty has not yet confirmed,” indicated the Telemundo morning news.

However, Kate Middleton’s most recent medical report revealed that the 42-year-old princess remains focused on her recovery and that the efforts of her health team have borne fruit.

Sofia Vergara keeps Joe Manganiello’s tattoo

Colombian actress and model Sofía Vergara assured that she has not yet considered erasing the tattoo she got when she was in love with Joe Manganiello, now her ex-husband, and for the moment she recycles it. She assured this during her participation in the program. The Talk.

The protagonist of Modern Family y Griselda She explained that she only has two, and that they are both small initials on her wrist. The first is an R, which corresponds to her late brother Rafael; the other is a J, which she did during her relationship with Manganiello.

“This was Joe Manganiello’s initial, but now he’s gone. So now my new… how lucky am I that the guy I’m dating has the same initial. So I thought, ‘Recycle. Recycle !'” Vergara said, referring to her current boyfriend, orthopedic surgeon Justin Saliman.

Brad Pitt is upset by his daughter’s decision

After it was leaked that Shiloh, the fourth daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and the former couple’s first biological child, filed paperwork to legally renounce her father’s last name on her 18th birthday, the actor seems to be upset and hurt by how his relationship with his children has broken down.

“He is aware and upset that Shiloh has dropped his last name. He has never felt more joy than when she was born. He always wanted to have a daughter,” a source close to her told People magazine.

The informant also assured that Pitt loves and misses all of his children and that it has not been easy to face the situation.

Shiloh follows in the footsteps of Maddox, Pax and Zahara, who have openly opposed taking Brad’s last name. Likewise, little Vivienne, 15, also omitted the actor’s last name during the adaptation of the Broadway musicalThe Outsiderswhich his mother produces.

Daniel Sarcos returns to US television

Venezuelan entertainer Daniel Sarcos shared news with his followers that has him excited. This is the new professional project that he undertakes and that brings him closer to the homes of the United States and Latin America again.

Sarcos, who between 2011 and 2018 presented Un Nuevo Día –now called Hoy Día–, on Telemundo, returns to television with the Ve Plus channel, from Cisneros Media. The Venezuelan also revealed that the name of the program is Sarcastic.

“I always knew that today was going to be a day full of emotions because today begins the path for one of my great dreams, returning to one of my great passions: television. And this project is going to allow me to return home from the United States, return to the homes of Latin America, but particularly return to Venezuelan homes,” he said in a video he shared on Instagram.

Kalimba faces alimony lawsuit

Kalimba continues to be in the eye of the hurricane, since the lawsuit for alleged sexual abuse is joined by another one linked to the alimony of his son Mica.

“After last April he was linked to proceedings for the alleged crime of sexual abuse against Melissa Galindo, this time it is Athenas, the mother of his son Mica, who has filed a new lawsuit against him for child support. less than almost 7 years old who procreated together,” reported TVyNovelas.

According to the aforementioned source, Kalimba’s ex-partner did not plan to go to court; However, the singer’s refusal to give money for the education of her son and the low amount she has given to support her little one forced her to proceed with the lawsuit.

“She really didn’t want to do anything and had stayed out of it, but he is happy and has refused to give her money for the child, even for tuition, and she was tired; first she wanted to reach an agreement with him as adults and it was not possible, now the only thing she wants is for him to not continue violating her and her son economically and emotionally,” explained TVyNovelas, citing the person consulted on anonymity.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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