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Infallible tricks to recover succulents whose roots rotted

For some cultivate succulents It can be an easy project to accomplish. However, not everything is as easy as it seems: although these plants require little watering and little care, certain carelessness can be expensive.

Among the data that the referents in crass advise to take into account when having succulents at home, there are several that stand out: one is irrigation, another is the good drainage of the substrate and the hours of direct sunlight.

You have to check them regularly.

What many forget is that a little more water in the succulents Y a bad drain of the excess can generate one of the worst inconveniences. This will cause the roots to rot and will involve running a whole recovery job.

Yes the fleshy plant it shows signs of disease, it looks withered or it is observed that it has the area near the base of whitish color, possibly it has to do with an excess of water that caused the roots to be rotten.

Roots are at risk when heavily watered.

Faced with this situation and from that moment on, It should only be watered when the substrate is dry. In addition, it should be considered that it is a serious problem to water the leaves. In these cases, all that remains is to moisten the substrate.

You should also pay more attention and pruning when the branches and leaves have gotten out of control. Spring is the ideal time to cut the stems with a box cutter or garden shears and disinfect the shears with alcohol with each cut.

All varieties of succulents require water in their proper measure.

Substrate and good oxygenation

In case the succulents present a high degree of humidity, it will be necessary to appeal to other more drastic measures. In this sense, they can be removed from the ground, left to air for a few hours, change the substrate for another without rot and reposition them.

Signs of root damage.

In addition, the soil will have to be removed and mixed with natural materials, such as coconut fiber, which provide vitamins and minerals. This will allow the plant to quickly absorb nutrients and revive.

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