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Inmaculada Casal reappears on television asking for respect for all parties

Inmaculada Casal reappears on television asking for respect for all parties

Since he jumped to the front page of the media without anesthesia, all the names that appear involved in one way or another in the robbery that a group of hooded men perpetrated in the house of Mara del Montecon Antonio Tejado as alleged intellectual author, they are news. For the bad and for the worst.


  • Mara del Monte’s nephew, suspected of being the intellectual author of the robbery a few months ago at his aunt’s house, has issued a statement.

  • Alexia Rivas has told in the program Let’s see the reaction of Samara Camba, Antonio Tejado’s last partner, to his arrest.

If just a few days ago the tonadillera and his wife came, Immaculate Casalto the courts to declare before the judge everything that happened that night, breaking in legal terms the silence around what happened, now it is Casal herself who takes another step and speaks publicly and without fear about how they feel so much. her as the singer. He has done it through the program he presents on Canal Sur, Andalucía in the afternoon. Without half measures and, furthermore, asking for respect for the Roof itself.

We can exalt or bring down a person

Good afternoon, another difficult week, with all the news that has emerged in the last week in which I have seen myself as a part, as a victim.started its format, avoiding any attempt to ignore the matter, aware that all those who watched it from the screen did not do so either.

To approach the subject we have gone back decades. As you see, they are going to allow me to tell you something. Me, when I was 18 years old I decided to study journalism in the 80sIn that desire to change the world, my parents made the effort to send me to Madrid to study at the Complutense University, he said.

When he undertook that journey, physical but, especially, vital, he received a valuable lesson. I realized that the world cannot be changed, but we can each contribute from our position to make that world a little better, a little more fair.. Maybe that’s why I owed that information to the courts and tried to give it in the most serious and contrasted way, she reflected.

Then he put aside his musings to specify what he was referring to: I never succumbed to sensationalism and I never profited from it. It’s my opinion but I think that journalists, because of the platform we have, We can exalt or bring down a person and that deserves a lot of respect from me.

He spoke about the way in which information is told, about the information itself and its ins and outs; and he led her monologue until she asserted that, now, she is the one who is at the center of the very repeated information. Today, unfortunately, I have become the protagonist without wanting to and without eating or drinking it.he lamented.

It was then that he addressed everyone involved, in one way or another, in the robbery. Among them, his wife’s nephew. I am part of a process that is in court, but I ask for respect for all partieshe was sincere, injecting the message into the minds of all viewers and opening their hearts, literally, to the media and from the media.

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