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Interview with Paul G. Volk, director of The Night They Came Home

Interview with Paul G. Volk, director of The Night They Came Home

This Friday, January 12, it opens in theaters and on video on demand The Night They Came Home. And western starring Brian Austin Green, Charlie Townsend, Robert Carradine and Danny Trejo.

Inspired by real events, the film portrays the misdeeds committed by Rufus Buck’s gang in American Indian territory at the end of the 19th century. Kidnappings, murders, rapes, robberies and all kinds of crimes were perpetrated by this gang of teenagers that put the local authorities and the Indian police in check. A story full of action, suspense and drama where the thin line between revenge and justice is blurred in that inhospitable land that was the old west.

In DIARIO LAS AMRICAS We spoke with Paul G. Volk, director of this western, who told us what his experience was like filming this feature film.

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