Mexico City.– In the first quarter of this year, the investment destined to health works had a real annual fall of 33.9 percent, reveal figures from the Ministry of Finance.

In said period, the amount channeled to build, preserve or acquire capital goods for direct and indirect health public works reached 2 thousand 194 million pesos, the lowest in the last three years.

If it is compared with what was registered in the same period of 2018, the last year of the previous federal government, the reduction is 60 percent in real terms.

In contrast to health works, in the first quarter of this year physical investment in works related to the energy sector had a real annual increase of 13.6 percent.

Enrique Díaz Infante, director of Financial Sector and Social Security Studies at the Espinosa Yglesias Study Center, said that the federal government continues to prioritize emblematic projects and the country’s macroeconomic stability through spending containment, which has implied fewer resources for health.

“These are the cuts that we traditionally see from the government of former President Enrique Peña, which is what also impacts economic growth,” he said.

Meanwhile, Luis Antonio Andrade Rosas, a researcher at La Salle University, commented that the reduction in investment in health works will cause public services in this area to be insufficient in the medium and long term.


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