You are currently viewing Iohannis: We found solutions to manage the export of Ukrainian grains to Romania;  an authorization system

President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Wednesday, that solutions were found for the management of Ukrainian grain exports, namely the creation of an authorization system, so that Romanian farmers are not affected, according to Agerpres.

President Klaus IohannisPhoto: Inquam Photos / George Călin

He had a meeting with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen and the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister, Mariya Gabriel, specifying that the discussions focused on the transit of grains and the export of these products to the states through which transit is made.

“We found solutions both for the transit of agricultural products from Ukraine to world markets, and for managing the export of these products to Romania. We found openness on the Ukrainian side, the Romanian Government got involved very well and conditions were negotiated, the Commission came up with additional solutions. In essence, it is a matter of a system for authorizing these exports, which authorization must be agreed by both sides, in this way we can control the phenomenon very well and not affect the farmers in Romania, who have complaints about of these products”, said the head of state.

Regarding the management of grain transit, Iohannis pleaded for a “solution-oriented” approach.

“Anything else is not appropriate for this moment. We know the problem very well. And we, in Romania, have farmers’ dissatisfaction, we have concrete problems to solve with this transit, but in my opinion it is not important to focus on blocking grain transit or to make a national policy out of it”, he completed the head of state.

President Iohannis spoke about the need to continue ensuring the transit of grain from Ukraine.

“A significant part of this transit takes place through Romania and, on the other hand, it is extremely important to manage the undeclared export of these products, for example to the Romanian markets and, together with the Ukrainian side, the Romanian Government has found solutions that have were also approved by the Commission”, said Klaus Iohannis.

Tarun Kumar

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