Irina Baeva claims she married Gabriel Soto in March

MIAMI.- After Gabriel Soto confirmed the breakup with Irina Baeva and denied that they were married, according to an interview that the actress gave to the magazine HELLO! in which it confirms that they held a boda at the actor’s house in Acapulco.

“We got married on March 27 and we had a wedding, a spiritual ceremony. We did it (the wedding) during Holy Week, in Acapulco, in Gabriel’s house there. We did it in a very intimate circle,” said the Russian.

The magazine shared a series of photographs they took that day when they met with family and close friends.

The ceremony

Baeva also stressed that the decision to have the ceremony was a joint one. “We both made this decision, we got married this way, it was something important, it was something symbolic, it was something very intimate with the people closest to us.”

The 31-year-old actress said that her parents and sister attended the celebration, as well as Soto’s daughters, Elissa Marie and Alexa Miranda.

“The girls, Gabriel’s family, the closest one, his cousin with his family and three of my closest friends were there with me too. It was shared with our families, with my parents, with my sister, with them, with Gabriel’s family, with all of Gabriel’s family. We shared the images, we shared the news. It was something very small, very symbolic, it was for us.”

“After so much, and so much coming and going and seeing how we could do our wedding, we decided that the only people who really cared about this and doing it this way, were ourselves. And that’s why we wanted to do it this way. We did everything by hand, basically, flowers, the venue. We exchanged words of love like vows, we exchanged rings,” she added.

Legal marriage

After this event, the couple had planned to have a civil marriage to be legally married. However, the process was delayed because she had to resolve some issues with her nationality.

“We spoke with a judge, we went through the whole process, because the process for foreigners is a bit bureaucratic, you have to have a birth certificate apostilled, it has to be translated by an expert, it has to be stamped. All the documentation, this whole process had begun.”

However, there were complications along the way that delayed the plans, even though the couple had estimated a date.

“We had postponed the date of signing it because you need to give advance notice and the truth is that our work is a bit complicated because I was recording. So, choosing a day where there are constant changes was a bit complicated and that’s why we didn’t get to that step.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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