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Iris Klein has barely moved out: a new wife moves in with Peter

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From: Sarah Wolzen


Doesn’t Peter stay alone after Iris Klein’s move out? No sooner has his (still) wife packed her things than the next woman wants to move into his finca. She’s no stranger either.

Mallorca – Iris Klein (55) had previously paid 3,000 euros in rent per month for her finca in Mallorca, explained Peter’s betrayed wife recently on Instagram. Costs that he actually has to bear alone – but maybe not for long, because after Iris’s move out of the common home, the next woman is already preparing to move in with Peter.

Iris and Peter Klein separated after an affair drama with Yvonne Woelke

Actually, Iris wanted to give her Peter another chance, a last attempt to save the marriage after 17 years together. But Peter is said to have refused. After he had finally admitted, after a long back and forth, that he had fallen in love with jungle camp companion Yvonne Woelke (41), he no longer saw any sense in a future with Iris. After Iris’ tearful departure, Peter now sits alone with his dogs in the finca.

As soon as Iris is out of the house, the next woman is already getting ready to move into Peter Klein’s finca © Instagram: peterklein_official & katzenberger_glitzerkrone

But maybe not for much longer. Because son-in-law Tobias (38) and his wife Silke (46) want to move in with him on the finca and share the rent with Peter, like claims.

Will Peter Klein soon not be alone anymore?

We remember: In addition to her daughters Jenny Frankhauser and Daniela Katzenberger, Iris Klein also has a son Tobias. However, he stays away from the public – in complete contrast to his wife Silke. However, she has a very bad relationship with her mother-in-law and never misses an opportunity to fire against Iris. She recently claimed that Iris herself was an adulteress.

Is Silke Katzenberger now moving into the house where Iris and Peter were happy together for so many years? For Iris Klein, this thought alone should be anything but pleasant.

The fact that the Kleins’ marriage is really irrevocably over doesn’t seem set in stone. Because on Peter’s private Instagram account, Iris suddenly comments on joint couple photos. Is there a love comeback looming? Sources used:

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