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Iris Klein leaves Mallorca: Katzenberger-Mum has bought a new house

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Majorca or Germany? Katzenberger-Mama Iris Klein is said to have decided to return to her home country. Her new home is not far from daughter Jenny Frankhauser.

Worms – Katzenberger-Mama Iris Klein (55) continues to set up in her new single life after the separation from Peter Klein (56). As the “Bild” newspaper claims to have learned from Klein’s environment, the mother of Daniela Katzenberger (36) and Jenny Frankhauser (30) is said to have considered whether she would rather stay with her older daughter in Mallorca or return to Germany – and thus finally leaves Peter Klein behind. Because he still lives on “Malle”.

Iris Klein is to move to Worms

According to information from the “Bild” newspaper, Iris Klein is said to have ultimately decided to return to Germany. In Worms, the native of Rhineland-Palatinate is said to have bought a house with a garden in the Appenheim district. One of the reasons for the new place of residence is obvious: from Worms it is only a stone’s throw to Ludwigshafen, where daughter Jenny Frankhauser lives together with Steffen König (31) and Iris Klein’s sweet grandson Damian (6 months).

However, Iris Klein’s new house should not be ready to move into immediately. From August, some conversion measures are planned so that the new home fully meets the wishes of its new owner. First of all, Iris Klein celebrates her 56th birthday on May 26th. However, the Katzenberger mom no longer gets along well with her ex: Recently, Iris Klein even banned Peter from a finca. Sources used:

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