Since the collection of Santiago Maratea began, they have collected more than 600 million pesos, but in the last few hours the first irregularities of the trust have come to light and the courts urgently requested a request for a report.

The first anomaly discovered was that the registration of the ‘Red Gogo Trust’ was made in the province of Neuquén because it should have been done in the Province of Buenos Aires, where the Independiente’s trade name is located, in Avellaneda (the proceeds will be donated to pay the club’s debts).

The Doble Amarilla site reported that the process was carried out before a College of Notaries, which determines it to be of a “private” nature, since it should have been carried out in the Public Registry. Once this maneuver was known, the General Inspectorate of Justice requested an urgent report.

“We are concerned and busy on the issue. If there is nothing to hide, why was it made this way?“ Sources from the organization asked the aforementioned medium. In the Public Registry the document would be delivered immediately, but now it would take between 10 and 15 days. The details to know are who is part of it and why they decided to take it to the Patagonian province.

In the event that the anomalies are confirmed, the Justice could dismiss it and remove all kinds of validity. In addition, in recent days, the AFIP has expressed concern about possible money laundering and will investigate each contributor who collaborates with more than $200,000, in order to find out how they obtained those funds.

Although the sum of 600 million pesos (2.7 million dollars) is incalculable for any average human being, the final objective of the collection is really far away: they seek to reach 22,000,000 dollars to pay all debts.

From this figure, we must discount the 5% that Santiago Maratea will take when it ends (if it is today, he would keep $135,000). The controversy arose due to its contradictions: at a press conference, he declared that this percentage included the expenses of the trust, and in his Instagram account he added that the entire 5% was going to be “his salary” and 0.8% for the expenses of lawyers, accountants, among others.

For his part, Pablo Duggan explained on social media that “Maratea refuses to make the contract public.” “The clauses were imposed by a group of people that surrounds Maratea and that nobody knows, who imposed the 5% payment,” he revealed.

“It is the first and only trust in which the trustee keeps 5%. (2.5 is charged),” he denounced, explaining that “the trustee is only one: Santoro, the others are all donors.” The unusual thing is that the interest of the collection is Independent, not Maratea. Taking that commission is an assault,” he concluded.


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