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Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine war, live: Hams accuses Israel of sabotaging negotiations

Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine war, live: Hams accuses Israel of sabotaging negotiations

The Dels Center denounces that Spanish arms trade with Israel has not decreased

A report from the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies denounces that Trade relations with Israel have not changed since the conflict escalated and have remained at the same level as before 7 October 2023.

Specifically, they point out that from October 2023 public contracts have been awarded to equip the armed forces to Israeli security and defence companies or their subsidiaries in Spain for a value of 1.027 billion euros.

Likewise, between January 2022 and June 2023, Spain exported weapons to 109 countries, worth 5.845 billion euros, of which 1.282 billion went to the Middle East. ‘Despite the extreme severity of the performance ‘With regard to Israel’s operations in the Gaza Strip, military relations between Spain and Israel have not changed substantially,’ the report summarises.

According to data from the Delàs Centre, in November 2023, 987,000 euros worth of ammunition were exported from Spain to Israel by Nammo Palencia, the subsidiary of the Norwegian-Finnish multinational Nammo, destined for the company Elbit Systems, one of the main suppliers of the Israeli Army. Likewise, in December, 987,000 euros worth of ammunition were also exported more ammunition and shellsalthough in this case with the aim of being re-exported to the Philippines, they say.

As for imports, on the other hand, ‘They have not been suspended, as the Secretary of State for Trade acknowledged in February’, The report states that ‘the Spanish State has not stopped acquiring Israeli weapons as it did before October 7, and has since awarded contracts valued at 1.027 billion euros to Israeli companies and their subsidiaries in Spain.’

Among others, the SILAM rocket launcher system (consortium with Elbit) or the SPIKE missiles (PAP Tecnos, subsidiary of Rafael) would stand out. ‘both well-publicized and combat-proven’, For the researcher at the Delàs Centre for Peace Studies and co-author of the report, Alejandro Pozo: ‘It is difficult to know what Spain has exported, but what we have been able to find and identify is very worrying.’

The other researcher and co-author of the report, Eduardo Melerofor his part, has denounced: ‘If in such an exceptional situation as that of Gaza, the Spanish Government does not apply the legislation to stop the arms trade with Israel, we should ask ourselves what purpose this legislation serves.’

In the recommendations section, the report advocates modifying Spanish regulations on arms trade control. (Ley 53/2007) to expressly include the possibility of agreeing an arms embargo on a particular country (for both exports and imports).

The JM Delàs Center for Peace Studies is an independent entity for analysis of peace, security, defense and armament dedicated to conducting research and political and social advocacy from a culture of peace perspective, on the negative effects of militarism and armed conflicts.

Between the Main lines of work The interests of this Barcelona-based organisation include arms trading, financing of the arms industry and military spending.

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