Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine war, live: Hezbol launches the Falaq 2 missile for the first time at Israel

Israel attacks Hizbul positions in Hula village, southern Lebanon

The Israeli Army bombed this Sunday a launcher of the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah in the village of Hula (about 3 kilometers from the border with Israel), as reported in a statement.

Shortly after, Hezbollah announced the death of one of its militiamen, although it did not specify the place or the circumstances, as is usually the case in its information. It was about Ali Khalil Hamad’Abu Tarab‘, 36 years old. “Today several missiles were detected that crossed the territory of Lebanon and fell in open areas in the Misgav region (northern Israel),” says the Israeli military statement about the attack against its territory in which there were no victims.

Israel and Lebanon They began Sunday with a crossfire of fire throws which follow yesterday’s day, in which the Shiite militiamen launched up to 11 attacks against the Hebrew country, making the day one of the most intense since the escalation of violence on the border began.

On Saturday afternoon, an Israeli bombardment against the town of Aitaroun killed two Lebanese civilians, intensifying the offensive of the pro-Iranian militia, as it confirmed, and launching assault drones and rockets.Katyusha‘ against military positions in northern Israel.

The dead were shop owner Ali Khalil Hamad, 37, and a young man named Mustafa Issa, the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported, and The bombing caused damage to the deceased’s store, a gas station and surrounding businesses and houses. On the other hand, throughout the day on Saturday Hezbollah announced the death of two other of its militiamen, without giving more information about it.

The border between Israel and Lebanon lives its highest peak in tension since 2006 with an intense exchange of fire since October, which has claimed the lives of more than 480 people, most on the Lebanese side and in the ranks of Hezbollah, which has confirmed more than 300 militia casualties – some in Syria -; in addition to about 90 civilians.

In Israel, 25 people have died in the north, ten of them civilians. Hostilities on the divide They started on October 8, the day after the war broke out in the Gaza Strip, in solidarity between Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamist militias in the enclave; although the crossing of fire has intensified greatly in recent weeks, which raises fears of an open war between the parties.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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