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Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine war, live: Israel to respond to Golan Heights attack

Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine war, live: Israel to respond to Golan Heights attack

Erdogan warns that he could intervene against Israel “just as we entered Karabakh or Libya”

He President of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoganassured this Sunday that Its forces could intervene militarily against Israel “just as we entered Karabakh or Libya”statements that have drawn condemnation from Israeli authorities.

“We must be very strong so that Israel cannot do these things to Palestine. Just as we entered Karabakh or Libya, we will do the same to them (…) There is nothing that prevents us from doing so. We just have to be strong enough to take these steps.“he said during an event of his party, Justice and Development (AKP) in the province of Rize, according to the Turkish portal Haberler.

Later, the head of Turkish diplomacy, Hakan Fidan, has maintained that Erdogan “has become the voice of humanity’s conscience.” “International Zionist circles, especially Israel, which want to suppress this righteous voice, are very alarmed. History ended the same way for all the genocidaires and their supporters,” he said.

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