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"It freaked me out" : Barbara Pravi confides in her recent depression (VIDEO)

guest in Telematinthis Thursday, January 12, 2023, singer Barbara Pravi returned to the period of depression she went through last summer and reveals her remedy to get out of it…

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A bad passage… This Thursday, January 12, 2023, Barbara Pravi was the guest of Telematin on France 2, on the occasion of the release of the third volume of her “prayers”, which she performs in duet with artists like Vianney or Yael Naim. A subtitled edition, this time, Heal. A term that greatly intrigued Julia Vignali and Thomas Sotto, worried about whether the young singer – internationally known thanks to her title Here iswhich had allowed France to come in second place in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2021 – had indeed had to go through a healing process.

I had a little depression this summer

Barbara Pravi confided very freely in the face of the tandem of animators, recognizing: “I had a little depression this summer. It was not much but still, to release all the pressure of the year and a half that I have just lived. And for me it was a lot. I realized that I no longer had much joy in my heart and as I am a very happy person, it really freaked me out a bit“, she explained. The 29-year-old singer-songwriter does not hide that his daily life was enormously upset by his sudden notoriety in May 2021. “Life gets so hectic, I did concerts everywhere when normally I’m at home, I drink my little herbal tea in the evening… and there I traveled a lot, the stage, it’s still very tiring because it’s two hours of concert each time, it’s very physical“, she recounted.

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It never happened to me

And it was the well-deserved break after this intense period that caused her depression: “There was a relaxation which was very surprising. I did not expect it because it had never happened to me in fact“, assures Barbara Pravi who quickly found a remedy to get back on her feet: music, of course.Really make these songs, with the guests I had, it really helped me out of that. It made me feel good and smile again“, she concluded with optimism.

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