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“It’s funny to love a woman that much”: Fabrice Luchini’s poignant tribute to his mother

Fabrice Luchini is this Sunday September 17 the guest of the portrait of the week of Seven to eight on TF1. In front of images of his mother presented to him by Audrey Crespo-Mara, in an extract previewed on X (ex-Twitter), the actor cannot hold back his tears.

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During the filming of the portrait of Seven to eightFabrice Luchini had warned Audrey Crespo-Mara: “There, I’m going to cry if it’s my mother…” Indeed, these were photos of his mother, who died in 2008, and as expected, the 71-year-old actor burst into tears, as we can see in an extract from the interview revealed in preview on social networks and can be found on TF1 from 7:20 p.m. this Sunday, September 17. It’s upsetting for me, because that’s my mom! It is my mother…”said the actor, returning the tablet. “It’s funny to love a woman that much…”he continued before offering a wide smile to try to curb the tears that were clouding his eyes. “Seeing her in a photo moves you that much?”, asked the surprised journalist. But his guest responds positively. “I have the photo above my bed…”confirms Fabrice Luchini.

Very moved, Fabrice Luchini pays a moving tribute to his mother in Seven to eight

“I called her on the phone every day and had lunch with her until five-six years before her illness”, says the artist. They were so close that his mother even still did his laundry. “I brought my underwear, my t-shirt and my pants, because she wanted to wash the clothes”he continues with emotion. “She wanted to be the only woman who takes care of you”, summarizes Audrey Crespo-Mara. Which the main person concerned confirms again. Fabrice Luchini specifies, however, that this extreme loyalty to his mother did not affect him all the same “not prevented from having a sex life”. “It wasn’t grandiose either, but hey, it existed! It existed modestly”he slips with humor as if to divert attention to a lighter subject.

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“Everything in my life was turned upside down when my mother died”recognizes Fabrice Luchini

“For a very long time, you felt obliged to remain faithful to him and so you forbidden to truly love another woman ?”Thierry Ardisson’s wife still asked him. “Let’s just say that everything in my life was turned upside down when my mother died”, he modestly admitted. Before returning to the joke and saying: “You’re making me do a wild psychoanalysis on TF1 at 7:30 p.m….” “Free”added with a laugh the journalist who received the actor as part of the promotion of the film The little which is scheduled for release this Wednesday, September 20. A feature film by Guillaume Nicloux whose subject is precisely motherhood.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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