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"It’s hard not to laugh" : prosecutor Eric de Montgolfier shares his regrets about the Tapie series

Tapie, a series that is too romantic? Since the launch of this French production produced by Netflix last week, many acquaintances and relatives have spoken out to – often – say all the bad things they thought of her. It was Stéphane Tapie who had the harshest words, calling the producers of the project “pigeons” : “Making a series called Tapie and being the antithesis of reality, Netflix, you are pigeons. Come on, good series everyone, but don’t wait to learn something.” A salvo to which was added another, that of Laurent Tapie, who for his part expressed his “rage” by noting the scene where Bernard Tapie forces a meeting with the investigating judge, Eric de Montgolfier, in the VA-OM match-fixing affair.

The investigating judge who put Bernard Tapie in charge does not recognize himself in the Netflix series

For the son of the former politician who died two years ago, this scene did not “not existed” : “What is correct is that my father went to see Montgolfier before he even summoned him. That is correct. Afterwards, what they said to each other, they did not last twenty minutes conversation.” To clarify things, Franceinfo went to question the main person concerned, Eric de Montgolfier, now retired, and who actually saw the series with Laurent Lafitte in the title role: “It may have been me, but it wasn’t just me, obviously. I heard words that I had said during the indictment at the hearing, or that others besides me had said. J I found it to be a pleasant job, but often I thought to myself ‘no, that’s not me’.” He also admits not recognizing himself in the portrait “sly” of the prosecutor. The former investigating judge then returns to this meeting “which was not at all improvised” : “In the series, the prosecutor pretends not to recognize him and acts naive, like a game of cat and mouse that I didn’t see myself playing. During the conversation, I had a strategy perhaps – be a little more subtle which did not consist of giving the person concerned, while he was not officially involved in the case, all the arguments that I could have against him. I had no proof but I had elements.”

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When Bernard Tapie sparked laughter

For Eric de Montgolfier, the fact of portraying him as a mocking prosecutor “something embarrassing.” He also describes a Bernard Tapie faithful to the one we could see on television: “It’s difficult, even if you lack humility, not to laugh. I took it as an admission of weakness.” If the words against the series Tapie are therefore more weighted than those of the family of the person concerned, everyone visibly agrees to say that the profile painted by the creation of Tristan Séguéla does not entirely correspond to the reality of the facts.

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