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"It’s strange" : Ramzy Bedia very uncomfortable to be with his sister Melha in Daily

In Daily this Thursday, January 5, Ramzy Bedia and his sister melha were together for the first time on television. The opportunity for the young actress to swing a little on her brother, very uncomfortable.

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Melha Bedia and his brother Ramzy were invited to Daily with Yann Barthès this Thursday, January 5 on TMC. Together for the first time on televisionthe siblings came to promote the film Youssef Salem is successful, on January 18 at the cinema. In this film, the hero played by Ramzy Bedia is a failed writer. But trouble begins when his new novel meets with success because Youssef couldn’t help but draw inspiration from his real family. Suffice to say that the day when he has to announce to his parents that his latest book is a hit but above all that it is inspired by them… Things are heating up! Melha quite naturally plays the role of the protagonist’s sister. And in real life, the relationship between Melha and Ramzy Bedia has not always been easy either.

Ramzy Bedia had “fear” for his sister, and wanted “protect her”

Indeed, the comedian and actor wanted another destiny for his sister. “She was so brilliant at school she had her BAC at 8 and a half years old“, quips the actor in Daily. Before continuing:It was intended for major studies and I said ‘you have nothing to do there’. I’m actually very relieved, I was just very afraid that she would suffer from it, that they would tell her ‘you are the sister of’that’s all, I was afraid for her, I wanted to protect her“, explains Ramzy Bedia. But if the latter is reassured, he does nothing to facilitate the task of his sister as she revealed on TMC. “For the little story, he preferred to give other names of North African actresses in French cinema, he really doesn’t give me a boostit’s official like”, swings the actress.

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“It’s very strange to be next to my sister”

Ramzy Bedia then justified himself: “It’s weird to be there next to my sister, I’m not well at all. It’s very strange to be next to my sister“, hammers the actor. Melha then gets up, and pretends to leave the set, then comes to sit down again. “It’s Baya Kasmi (the director of the film, Editor’s note) who went looking for her behind my back, and finally I’m very happy, she’s great“, recognizes the ex-comparess of Éric Judor, to conclude on the subject.

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