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I’ve been an open book with my songs

I've been an open book with my songs

In the voices of both artists, the song is by the author of Bermdez, Yadam and Raymond Castelln. And it was recorded in North Miami Beach under Yadam production for Glad Empire and Stuart Music.

I hadn’t recorded for several years. So she was looking for material, wanting songs. I always say that I like to wait for the moment when I feel one hundred percent comfortable and can share a musically honest proposal. Sometimes I’m late. I’m kind of strange when it comes to recording songs and releasing them. music. But I always feel that, when I release music, it comes from the heart, said Obie Berméndez in an interview with DIARIO LAS AMRICAS.

One night in Miami we met to talk. I had the idea more or less of what I wanted to say in the song. I have always been known for romantic, vein-cutting songs. But I wanted to write a happy song. It’s one of the few songs that I recorded moving, it’s not a ballad. Basically it talks about a love that no longer exists, but we are on the note of celebrating how beautiful it was and focusing on the positive, he added.

The idea that Nacho’s voice would complement the song was born precisely in the studio.

When we felt that we had the model more or less ready, the name of my friend Nacho came up. I called him, we sent him the song and he quickly connected, he liked it a lot. And he arrived at the studio in a matter of days; Thus I finished adding what was missing in terms of lyrics, melody and music. I think we achieved something very nice. And we are all super happy with the result, he said.

The topic of separation is close to both of them. Nacho divorced Inger Devera, mother of three of his sons, in 2020. Two years later the singer married Melany Mille. And as a result of that union, two girls were born.

For their part, Obie Bermdez and Jennifer Pea surprised their fans when in August 2023 they announced that they were separating. The couple, who have also sung do, married in 2007 in a private ceremony in Las Vegas. They have five children in common, the youngest was born in 2020.

Berméndez revealed that the song was inspired by a personal experience.

If I said no, I would be lying. I have always been an open book with my songs, I like to talk about real things. And I think that’s the magic of this whole thing about recording songs. I think that’s the most honest way to connect with people, when I open my heart and talk a little about my personal experiences. And also what I see happening, because in this matter of separation I am not the first nor will I be the last. It’s something that happens every day. It’s not something that only happened to Nacho yam, he expressed.

The only thing I can say is that we lived through a very beautiful stage. And I thank God for having lived that. I am eternally grateful, because Jennifer will always be a part of my life. We have a bond that unites us, which is our children. So, I prefer to focus on how nice we live and the beautiful family we have, he added when trying to explain the reason for the separation from Jennifer Pea.

Likewise, the Puerto Rican artist indicated that he prefers not to follow the fast pace with which music is released today.

I like to take my time to thoroughly analyze the idea I want to present. I take sharing songs with people and performing them live very seriously. So, that’s why I say that I’m weird in that sense, because I like to feel one hundred percent confident that I can give the public the best of me. And I think that’s been my format over the years, he said.

As to whether quality suffers due to the frequency with which songs are released today, consider:

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I am a fan of music. I think that artists, singers, producers, have that license to be poets and crazy. So, music is so many styles, so many different things. For my part, I stay in my line, not far from what I have already recorded, from how people already know me musically and lyrically.

Regarding how he recognizes a good song, the author of hits like Before or All Year, commented:

For me, it starts with the idea of ​​what I want to say, is to feel comfortable with that melody, with the concept of the song and enter a studio where I feel comfortable with the producer, with the composers and create something organic. And for us all to feel like we are achieving it is to be honest. I also don’t get too complicated thinking that it has to be perfect. I think that, sometimes, the most organic and sincere things are the most connecting.

Pack back It is the first single from what will be their next album, which will soon see the light of day.

The album is almost ready, we are in the final details, in the mixing and mastering phase. I think in a matter of a month or a month and a half we released the full album. I still don’t have the title, but the songs are ready. I’m looking forward to that new album. I have several ideas of what I want to call it. But it’s usually at the last minute when I listen to everything several times and suddenly the name of the album is born, he said.

I advance that it is an album in which joy predominates.

There are some ballads, but this album is quite moving. It’s not a sad album, it’s a happy album, he described.

Berméndez recognized that every day brings new learning and that, after about two decades of experience, today he feels more confident when stepping on stage.

I have learned a little more, I still have a lot to learn. I think we learn a little more every day. But, obviously, my security in the studio when recording, the lyrics, the melody. There is no longer so much insecurity in that part or on stage. It’s been several years of career, I really enjoy the recording process. And also the opportunity to climb on a stage and share with the public, and hear them sing my songs with me, he explained.

I started professionally almost 20 years ago, but in truth since I was little I was always into music. I was born in Puerto Rico, so I always remember the parties and the parties. My dad plays guitar. My grandfather too, my grandmother sang, my uncles too, they all played. So music has been with me since I was a baby.

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