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Jamie Foxx reveals details about his hospitalization

Jamie Foxx reveals details about his hospitalization

MIAMI.- The state of actor Jamie Foxx’s health He has been secretive since he was suddenly hospitalized in April 2023. Although the performer has been seen in recent months and has thanked his fans for their displays of support and affection, it was only recently that he addressed what happened to him.

In a video that went viral on social media, the actor can be seen talking to some fans and telling them some details of his medical emergency.

“It started with a severe headache,” he said, explaining that he was filming the movie. Back in Actionin Atlanta, a film in which he stars alongside Cameron Diaz.

However, as time went by the pain did not subside so I asked for a pill to treat the discomfort.

I ordered Advil and the next thing I knew I woke up almost three weeks later with no memory of what had happened. I was out for 20 days, she added.

Foxx said that although his family was always there, the actions of his daughter Corinne and sister Deonda were key to his recovery. “They took me to my first doctor, who said, ‘Something’s going on up there.'”

However, he preferred to keep the medical details to himself.


Three months after his hospitalization, Jamie Foxx reappeared to thank the expressions of affection he received after his medical process was made public.

Through his Instagram account, Foxx made a Live in which he showed himself vulnerable.

“I went through something that I thought would never, ever happen. I know a lot of people were waiting or wanting to hear an update, but to be honest with you, I didn’t want them to see me like that.”

The winner of an Oscar for best actor in 2005, for his portrayal of Ray Charles in the film Ray (2004), explained that he wasn’t prepared for his fans to see him in that state, because he wants to be remembered differently. I want them to see me laughing, having fun, partying, telling a joke, making a movie or a TV show. I didn’t want you to see me with tubes coming out of me trying to figure out if I was going to make it.

“I just want to say that I love you all, and I love all the love I’ve received. (…) Like I said, I want to be remembered for the jokes I make and the movies I make, some good, some not, and the songs I sing. I’m here on earth thanks to some wonderful people and God. I’m on my way back.”

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