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Jana Ina and Giovanni Zarrella: "Our marriage is of legal age today"

Jana Ina and Giovanni Zarrella have been married for 18 years. They celebrate on Instagram – and on a trip to New York.

Jana Ina, 46, and Giovanni Zarrella, 45, are celebrating a special wedding anniversary. The TV stars have been married for 18 years. “Our marriage is of legal age today”, says the couple with heart emoji on Instagram. “Mr. & Mrs. Zarrella for 18 years. Life is beautiful – but even more beautiful by your side.” There is also a current portrait for the fans – and a joint photo that was apparently taken 18 years ago.

Not only numerous fans and followers congratulate the two moderators and musicians in the comment area on their wedding day post. Celebrity friends also leave their congratulations.

Fashion designer Guido Maria Kretschmer, 58, for example, writes: “Long live the love for 2 such wonderful people!! Congratulations”. Model Monica Meier Ivancan, 46, adds: “Awwwwwwwww! You are such a great role model. Keep it up!” Reality TV star Evelyn Burdecki, 34, and singer Patricia Kelly, 53, are also among the stars celebrating the Zarrellas on Instagram.

Wedding day in New York

Meanwhile, Jana Ina and Giovanni Zarrella are enjoying their time in New York City. In her Instagram stories, the presenter shows pictures and short videos from the US metropolis. A special highlight for the 46-year-old: the couple apparently visited filming locations for the cult series “Sex and the City”, as she reveals. They did something they had always wanted to do, explains Jana Ina Zarrella: “I was at Carrie Bradshaw’s house!”

marriage in 2005

The Zarrellas have been married since 2005 and have two children, born in 2008 and 2013. The wedding and the arrival of their first child were then accompanied by cameras and shown on ProSieben programs. Since the documentaries “Just Married” and “Jana Ina & Giovanni – We Are Pregnant”, the couple has mostly kept their family life out of the public eye.

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