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Japanese scientists developed a “tracker” like the Saiyans in Dragon Ball Z

Things of Dragon Ball in real life? Yes. We have previously seen Bulma’s motorbike and other items similar to those developed by the Capsule Corporation. But rarely have attempts been made to replicate Saiyan technology.

A team of Japanese scientists, specifically from Miyazaki University, made a kind of tracker similar to the one used by Saiyans and members of Freeza’s army. The most unusual thing about the situation is that they did it without knowing it.

They developed the device and students of one of the authors, Professor Kikuhito Kawasue from the engineering department of the mentioned university, told him what he had done.

It’s called Sow-Ter. Its function is not to measure the fighting power of a human. It would be, in comparisons with a Saiyan, something insignificant. It is a device that is attached to the head, has a set of cameras and displays the captured information on a screen.

Specifically, this little device was made with the intention that farmers could weigh their animals (especially pigs) just by aiming with their heads; just like the tracker does.

“I had never heard of them before, but when my students saw the device I had developed, they all commented that it was like a scouter,” Kawasue said according to a review by MSNwhich quotes the site Geekmi.

Is this the first time a device like a tracker has been manufactured? Being focused towards reality yes. What we’ve had before this are devices that are identical to the Saiyan device, but without the same function. In other words, they are actually made for the fandom to collect, like this one that we share with you below.

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