Milei travels to the US in search of investments for Argentina

BUENOS AIRES.– In the first reorganization of his executive train, the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, changed the Head of Cabinet and appointed Guillermo Francos, current Minister of the Interior, to replace Nicolás Posse, whose resignation was accepted due to “differences in criteria” in management, in the midst of the severe economic crisis.

In this operation, Milei ordered that the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), which reported to the Chief of Staff,once again depend directly on his person as agent.

He is also seeking to incorporate into his team Federico Sturzenegger, one of the main ideologues of the total deregulation of the economy and former right-hand man of Domingo Carvallo, former Minister of Economy of President Carlos Menen, between 1991 and 1996, local media reported.

In the case of Posse, his chief of ministers and who maintains a long friendship with Milei, it was reported that the president made the decision, after weeks of rumors and questioning of Posse for his delays and “differences with front-line leaders of the libertarian administration”, and before embarking on his fourth trip to the US where he meets with businessmen.

Javier Milei, push for Argentina

In recent days, the version emerged that the now former Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, would not have had synergy with the opposition in Congress on the issue of the Bases Law, legislation that arises from the Cortes to give the President legislative power , also known as the Enabling Law in other countries.

However, Minister Francos, after assuming his new position, pointed out that President Milei asked him to “give the management a push” and to distort the image of Posse’s poor relationship with the cabinet, he took a selfie at an executive meeting.

“I want to thank the President of the Nation for this new responsibility and I hope to rise to the occasion,” said the official and specified that it is “a new stage of a management that continues.” And he was clear when speaking about the team. who worked with Posse. “I don’t like the word throw. There are stages that are fulfilled.”

Furthermore, he confirmed that the AFI He will once again “depend directly on President Javier Milei”, after the “anomaly” that meant that in Posse’s management the Intelligence task was retained in the orbit of the displaced official, the media reported.

He also anticipated that there will be a new reform in the operating scheme of this highly politically sensitive organization.

Source: With information from Infobae,,

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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