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Jay Leno breaks clavicle and ribs in accident

CDMX.- Jay Leno was in another accident that left him with some broken bones, just two months after suffering several second and third degree burns while fixing up an old car.

Comedian Jay Leno spoke with the Las Vegas Review-Journal to discuss his upcoming shows in Las Vegas, when the interviewer asked him about the burns he received in an accident in November last year, he revealed that he had recently suffered another accident.

“That was the first accident. Okay? Then last week I was thrown off the motorcycle. So I have a broken clavicle. I have two broken ribs. I have two broken kneecaps,” Leno reported on his new injuries.

The accident occurred on January 17, while riding a 1940 Indian motorcycle, he noticed the vehicle was leaking gasoline, he planned to stop to check the fault.

“I turned down a side street and went through a parking lot and unknown to me, some guy had a wire hanging out in the parking lot but no flag hanging,” he recounted.

“Then, you know, I didn’t see it until it was too late. It just broke me and, boom, it knocked me off the bike. The bike just kept going, and you know how that works.”

Leno stated that he had not reported this new accident due to the medical coverage that triggered the previous mishap. He also assured that he is fine and that he will continue working on his next performances.

“But I’m fine! I’m fine, I’m working. I’m working this weekend,” he said.

Last November, Jay Leno was working on an old car when he noticed a gasoline leak, while maneuvering under the car, there was a small explosion that caused several burns -work-after-burns-on-the-body/ar2511947 on the face and arms, which required skin grafts.

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