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Jesta Hillmann’s update on her children’s social media presence

After the broadcast of the documentary Children under influence: overexposed in the name of like sOn France 5, Jesta Hillmann spoke to provide an update on the presence of her two sons on social networks.

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We discovered Jesta Hillmann Koh-Lanta: Treasure Island in 2016. She also found love in adventure with Benoît, the big winner of this edition. The two candidates from Denis Brogniart’s show never separated and got married in 2019. A couple so solid that they were chosen to coach the participants of The Villa of Broken Hearts 7. Together, they had two children, Juliann in July 2019 then Adriann in February 2021. The family even decided to reveal their most intimate moments in Moms & Famous from 2020. When the mother is not filming for the TFX family reality TV show, she shares her daily life with her million subscribers on social networks. His fans follow the joys and struggles that his 4 and 2 year old sons put him through. However, she does not hesitate to rant when she receives negative comments about her children. This is the case, this Monday, September 18, after the broadcast of the documentary Children under influence: overexposed in the name of like on France 5.

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Jesta Hillmann points out the France 5 documentary

Last night, France 5 decided to launch a debate with a new documentary which targeted the private lives of child stars of social networks. A program that has no more than Jesta Hillmann, whose two sons are often exposed on Instagram. “This video takes the subject on its head and creates general fear, which is very serious in my opinion.“, she began to revolt before explaining, It is obvious that protecting my children is a priority, but the society in which we live instills fear and blames the victims far too often. It’s not our fault that there are deranged people and we’re not going to stop living when it’s them who should be locked up.“Faced with this social phenomenon, the mother of two boys aged 4 and 2 continued, “Predators are present in our everyday lives, in the streets, in stores, on the beaches… Evil is found everywhere and we cannot prevent it. So we no longer leave our homes, we no longer take our children to the park, and we take them out of school? After all, we don’t know who’s hanging around the schools.“Finally, Wafa Brunsdon’s girlfriend recalled that, “The fight should be focused on child molesters rather than making us feel guilty. It is these websites and these people who are to blame and not us, and it is more important to educate parents on how to take legal action against these predators.

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It’s a personal choice“: Jesta Hillmann’s update on her children

To complete her rant, Jesta Hillmann defended her choice to show her children on social networks. Indeed, Juliann and Adriann appear daily in the 30-year-old’s publications and stories. “I’m not saying that you should show your children or not, It’s simply our choice for Benoît and me. It’s a personal choice and it’s up to you to make your own, and everyone is entitled to their opinion!justified the mother before concluding, “I just think that we have the right to live a normal life without being terrorized on a daily basis.

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