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Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race live: Trump warns of possible third world war

Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race live: Trump warns of possible third world war

Trump unleashes attacks on Harris, says she was “lazy three weeks ago” and that he doesn’t like Jews

Former President Donald Trump unleashed a campaign speech against Vice President Harris on Friday, referring to her as “a vague one”, questioning his support for Israel and warning he would pack the U.S. Supreme Court and defund the police.

Trump mocked Biden for having changed his mind about withdrawing from the race and focused on his likely new opponent, Harris.

“Three weeks ago I was useless. I was lazy, a failed vice president in a failed administration with millions of people crossing, and she was the ‘queen of the border’“‘” Trump said.

“Now we have a new candidate to defeat, the most powerful vice president incompetent, unpopular and far left in American history,” Trump said.

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