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Borrell respects Biden’s decision: “I wish him the best”

The head of European diplomacy, Joseph Borrellsaid on Monday that the European Union has had “a very positive relationship” with the American president, Joe Bidenand respected his decision to resign from the White House if “he thinks another candidate may be stronger” enough to win the election.

We have had a very positive relationshipbut if President Biden decides to withdraw because he thinks another candidate may have more strength to win the election for the Democratic Party, We respect your decision“Borrell told reporters on his arrival at the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels today.

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs also wished “the best” to the next Democratic candidate for the White House and said that “there will be a significant difference” in the transatlantic relationship depending on whether it is the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, who comes to power. However, he stressed that it is the Americans “who must choose” their next president and said that what the EU must do is assume its “responsibilities” y “continue to support Ukraine“.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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