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John Legend and Chrissy Teigen’s daughter Esti drank a lot of tears

It was a long and painful road.

On January 13 are Chrissy Teigen (37) and husband John Legend (44) have become parents again. At a private concert, the cuddly singer is said to have blurted out the baby news. Now mom and dad have introduced the newcomer to their fans.

Chrissy shared a sweet photo of her offspring on Instagram. You can see the two older children, daughter Luna (6) and son Miles (4), holding their new little sister in their arms and lovingly looking at them. “She is there! Esti Maxine Stephens – the house is full of life and our family couldn’t be happier.”

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And further: “Daddy sheds tears of joy every night when he sees Luna and Miles so full of love and I’m learning that with a caesarean you still need diapers!” She also thanked her fans for their support: “We are over the moon. Thank you for all the love and good wishes – we feel it all!”

Grammy winner John Legend shared the same family snap on his account. Praising his wife, he said: “I admire Chrissy’s strength and resilience and am thrilled to see Luna and Miles hug their little sister. I’m so, so grateful, but that’s not a sufficient word.”

Because they also know how painful the desire for a baby can be. In October 2020, Chrissy Teigen suffered a miscarriage sonny jack dead to the world. At the time, the family spoke very openly about the terrible loss that accompanied them during the renewed pregnancy with baby Esti.

Announcing the baby news, she revealed, “At every doctor’s appointment I’ve said to myself, ‘Okay, if it’s healthy today, I’ll announce it,’ but then I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear a heartbeat and decide that I’m still too nervous.”

All the greater the joy that little Esti was born healthy and lively. The celebrity house “overflows with love and joy,” enthuses John Legend.

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