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Jorge Javier Vzquez sentences Escassi: He is a textbook narcissist

Jorge Javier Vzquez sentences Escassi: He is a textbook narcissist

The soap opera derived from The breakup between Mara Jos Surez and Alvaro Muñoz Escassi a Jorge Javier Vzquezwho has dedicated his latest blog in Readings to leave advice in both directions, to defend the model and, in short, to criticize the attitudes of the jockey towards women.

On Friday we were all Mara Jos Surezis the first sentence of the television presenter, who then qualifies the importance of this sentence by the circumstance that must develop behind it: I never thought I would write a sentence like that because Mara Jos Surez has always chosen to show off a low, if not languid, public profile. What happened in Friday!he says, was a deal of such force that it reverberated as far away as Kuala Lumpur and left the trickster Muñoz Escassi ready for sentencing.

The key, she confesses, is that the model left her fears at the door and only sought to tell the truth. There’s nothing like going on a TV set without fear. It makes you invincible. And so Maria Jose appeared. Confident, forceful and even pedagogical when the occasion called for it. She didn’t let anything pass her by. For everything she had a credible answer, an adequate reply. He even went so far as to spice up his speech with comments laden with malice and nasty humour.the television channel details.

No one speaks ill of him out of fear?

This delight had, he says, as its main consequence that He ruthlessly destroyed Escassi’s image. With arguments and data. And at this point he takes advantage of his conclusion of the interview to, far from throwing a dart, use his entire arsenal on the rider: He made us see that his alleged friendliness hides a textbook narcissist, a person lacking empathy because he saves what he has to love himself without hesitation.

Following the statements of his now ex-partner, Jorge Javier warns of the domino effect which can fall on an Escassi who, he says, has relied too much on his charm and predicts a difficult time due to behaviors tolerated years ago that are considered reprehensible today. To this end, he even advises the jockey do not expose yourself too much for a long time because you may get shorn.

Then, to put an end to the subject, he focuses on some statements by Sonia Ferrer, one of his former partners, in which he wonders how surprising it is that no one speaks ill of him. Isn’t he spoken ill of out of fear? And what’s worse: Why do they fear him?the presenter questions.

As a response, he looks at the interview with María José Surez and, as it turns out to be a different reaction, he points out an unusual luxury that he can summarise in one thought: What a pleasure to be able to vent like that against a guy who has played you.

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