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Jorge Masvidal and Donald Trump meet at the Versailles Restaurant

Cuban-American former boxer jorge masvidalshared with his followers on social networks, a photo with the former president Donald Trumpin it Restaurante Versailles.

Masvidal, a former UFC fighter, has shown his support for Trump on numerous occasions and did not miss the opportunity to take a picture with the Republican in their recent meeting in Miami.

Trump visited the Restaurante Versailles this Tuesday, after appearing in a federal court where he pleaded innocent of 37 counts for improper handling of classified documents.

Masvidal was among the entourage of Trump supporters at the famed restaurant. The former president asked about him and asked him to take a photo together.

Where is jorge? Come on, George. Let’s take a picture, “said Trump. The moment was caught on camera. Masvidal then uploaded the photos of him with the former president and left a brief message:” We’ve got your back.

Trump ate croquettes and drank Cuban coffee in it Restaurante Versailles. He spoke to supporters who surrounded him at the venue and took photos with other people, in addition to the boxer.

The Cuban-American mixed martial arts star is a Republican, a supporter of Donald Trump and an outspoken anti-communist.

In April he attacked against the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel. He did so at a press conference prior to the fight against Brazilian Gilbert Burns.

Down with communism! Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, Colombia, all these places that are going through these situations: I love you! And when I get in there, in the ring, it will be to represent all of them,” Masvidal said.

That day fell to Gilbert Burns and after the defeat he decided to hang up his gloves. In his career he has 52 MMA fights, where he achieved 35 victories and suffered 17 defeats.

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