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Juan Ortega, the bullfighter who escaped from his wedding, reappears outside Spain

Juan Ortega, the bullfighter who escaped from his wedding, reappears outside Spain

It was one of the unknowns of the last month of the year. And it has arrived as what happened that placed him on the front line of the media: spontaneously and without anyone expecting it. Juan Ortega, the bullfighter who escaped from his own wedding at the beginning of Decemberbuilding behind him a dusty barrack of theories that sought to delve into the reasons for his escape, has reappeared after more than three weeks in which his whereabouts were completely unknown. And he has done it in Portugal.

The program that has uncovered its location has been Fiesta. All, Mnika Vergara has insisted that finding him has been a complicated taskbut that this difficulty was related to the fact that he had crossed the border. He has been in Portugal since last December 13, that is when he managed to give us the slip and leave the country.he explained, before hesitating with one of the clues that, practically, evidenced this information: That’s why I called him and it sounded international.

A farm near Lisbon to train

It has gone further. Vergara has confirmed that the right-hander is in Porto Alto, on a farm owned by a rancher and old acquaintance of his. This place is located near Lisbon, a little further east of the Tagus Estuary Nature Reserve, and would be the one chosen by Ortega to polish his skills in the ring with his eyes fixed on the calendar: He is training because on February 11 he returns to the ring and there are many expectations about him.

It’s true. The return of the bullfighter to the bullring is one of the events that has been the most speculated about in the gossip press. during the last month, since it means facing the public and standing before all the stands after what happened at their almost wedding. He has changed countries to not be aware of the media. He doesn’t watch TV or have a phone.reveals the journalist.

The concentration to which Ortega would have given himself would have found a reliable accomplice in that rancher friendwhat has given you the protection you need before the flood of cameras that were waiting for his appearance and that today have discovered that it has happened, yes, but outside of Spain.

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