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Julia Vignali robbed, her confidences in What a time! (VIDEO)

guest of What an era! the presenter of Telematin Julia Vignali opened up about the burglary she suffered with her companion Kad Merad.

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Julia Vignali is best known to the general public for co-hosting Telematin during the week on France 2 with Thomas Sotto and also to be the companion of Kad Merad. But if she was, this Saturday, February 18, one of the guests of the show What an era! presented by Léa Salamé, it was for a completely different reason. Julia Vignali came on set to present her new book on storage: Goodbye damn it! How to save time, money and moments of happiness. Kad Merad’s wife explains that, in this book, she gives her personal tips for successfully managing her professional life but also her personal life. During her time on the show, she returned to the burglary she suffered just a few days ago.

“I was robbed for the first time in my life”

As she explains that it is important for her to know that everything is tidy at home, Christophe Dechavanne intervenes and asks her: “It’s okay, is there anyone in there? Because she was robbed”. Léa Salamé launches her on the subject and Julia Vignali explains: “I was robbed for the first time in my life. […] It is true that somewhat traumatic events like this are very unpleasant… They rather led me to think things differently and say to myself: ‘Well, maybe it’s messed up in my house, but since it’s tidy in my head, I manage things.’ The 47-year-old host therefore seems to have decided to take things on the bright side and put things into perspective following this disturbing episode.

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Julia Vignali and Kad Merad robbed

THE JDD revealed that the burglary took place in broad daylight, Thursday February 16, in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. It was Julia Vignali herself who discovered the facts around 5:30 p.m. when her companion was not in Paris. Always according to JDD, the damage would amount to nearly 400,000 euros. The perpetrators allegedly seized several luxury watches and jewelry. An investigation has been opened.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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