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July 20: Did you know them all? These are the names that Colombia has had

July 20: Did you know them all?  These are the names that Colombia has had

However, as in any story, it is worth highlighting some fun facts behind this historical event that set the beginning of the fight for independence from Spanish rule.

In addition, it reaffirms the national identity, the value for democracy and the pride in the achievements achieved as an independent country. Here are five facts you may not have known or remembered about this important day:

Thanks to him, according to the ‘’ portal, the diverse crowd gathered in the main square rose up against the viceroyalty, causing a revolution that culminated in the signing of the Santafé Independence Act, directed by decision of the Governing Board.

He encouraged the Creoles to congregate in the Plaza Mayor in Bogotá, armed with sticks and fire, as a show of protest and resistance to the decisions of the Viceroy of Spain.

Carbonell he took advantage of his relationships with various sectors of society, such as merchants and herbalists, to promote and maintain the struggle for independence.

The last and most significant of these battles took place on August 7, 1819 at the Boyacá Bridge. According to the page ‘’, this confrontation was the one that guaranteed the success of the liberation of the Spanish empire with the final fall of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.

It is estimated that in the battle of the Boyacá bridge on August 7 there were more than 100 deaths between Americans and Spaniards.


Through this term, Nariño sought to criticize and highlight the political instability and internal tensions that characterized that transition period in the history of the independence of Colombia.

– The Great Colombia, 12 years (1819 – 1831).
– New Granada, 29 years old (1832 – 1861).
– Grenadine Confederation, 2 years (1862 – 1863).
– United States of Colombia, 23 years (1863 – 1886).
– Republic of Colombia, 137 years (1886 – present).

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