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Kalimba is not afraid of demand; Share that you have bipolarity

Mexico City.- Kalimba affirms that he is not afraid of the lawsuit that Melissa Galindo will file against him for alleged sexual assault and that he will continue with the process as he had announced in order to clean up his image.

After Melissa Galindo announced on March 28 that she had taken legal action against Kalimba for the crime of aggravated sexual abuse, the singer spoke about it in an official statement and remarked that he was the first to bring the case to trial. legal instances.

“Who decided that this case be aired before the authorities and not only on social networks was me, because I have nothing to fear and I will not allow my image to continue to be damaged in the way they have done, and that is why I am going to to demonstrate precisely before the authorities that I am innocent, so I see this complaint as an opportunity to clean up my image,” he reported.

The OV7 member was publicly accused by Melissa of having sexually assaulted her on various occasions, for which he has not hesitated to defend himself, he assures that he has a battery of evidence to prove that he is the victim of moral and economic damage.

Two weeks ago, he announced that he would take legal action for defamation, as he denies that the singer’s statements are true.

He informed that the civil lawsuit that he will file will be carried out by his legal team once the Easter period has passed, since during these days the courts are closed, since he will also present the criminal lawsuit against him as evidence in his case for moral damages.

“I have already instructed my lawyer to immediately appear before the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office to make myself available, clarify the facts, as well as present the evidence that proves my innocence,” he wrote.

Kalimba shares his bipolar diagnosis

Surprisingly, Kalimba shared this week, in an interview with a well-known youtuber, that he was diagnosed with second-degree bipolar a year ago.

“People believe that being bipolar is like you’re suddenly good and suddenly bad, not even close! Bipolarity is that your emotions are very shot from how people in general feel, so your joy doesn’t exist, what exists is a zone, which is called euphoria,” he shared.

“Instead of being happy I was euphoric, everything was spectacular wonderful great, ‘how can others not see how amazing this is’, and instead of being sad I was depressed, ‘everything in life is useless, it’s chaos ‘, and that literally depends on a neural change.”

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