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Karen Schwarz celebrates her birthday in New York: “I reached 39 stronger and grateful for so much”

karen schwarz turned 39 years old and celebrated it in the city of NY, in the United States, where she traveled with Ezio Oliva, her husband, and their two little daughters. The television host shared photos of the celebration and an extensive message of thanks on Instagram.

“My 39th birthday… So much time looking for what we lack and what we want, when we have everything at home and with ours.he initially stated.

“I admit that for a long time I lived from day to day, trying to fulfill everything, breaking myself into 25 pieces and trying to meet the expectations of others in every aspect and not mine, a serious mistake. No more! I love being a mom, I love being a wife, I love my family.”he added.

The former Miss Peru also pointed out: Connecting with my family from the depths is what makes me happy and what fills me with emotions.”

Finally, he indicated: “Time cannot devour us, we have to distribute it to do what keeps us alive without neglecting what we love the most. I reached 39 stronger and grateful for so much. Thank you for all your nice greetings.”

Immediately his followers and well-known characters from the local show business, such as Magdyel Ugaz, Rebeca Escribns, Mónica Cabrejos and several others, reacted to his words and

(Photo: Instagram)

karen schwarz announced that it will no longer be part of Latina Television. The presenter shared an emotional message on social networks with her followers, where she expressed her gratitude to the television house on Avenida San Felipe where she worked for more than a decade.

I arrived as Karen and I leave calling myself ‘mom’, I came to the channel alone and now I am accompanied by my fat women, I arrived single and I am leaving hand in hand with the love of my life ”, wrote.

Karen leaves Latina Television after the final of “La Voz Generaciones”, where she shared roles with the host Cristian Rivero. Ezio Oliva’s wife was part of the different Latina television projects such as “Yo Soy”, “Yo Soy Kids”, ” The Senior Voice”, among others.

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