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Karoline Lima is honest about her current relationship with Militao

Karoline Lima is honest about her current relationship with Militao

Karoline Lima was for months one of the women most loved by Real Madrid fans. His intense way of living the matches and the apparently idyllic relationship that he had with Military they made it a trend practically every week. That is why many were happy when both announced the happy news that they were going to be parents. However, Shortly before little Cecilia came into the world, the couple ended their love story.

In an interview for the magazine Marie Claire, the Brazilian remembers that she dreamed of becoming a mother but had no intention of fulfilling it so soon despite the fact that she insists that the arrival of her baby was planned. “I knew I would be a mother at some point in my life, but not now. Being a mother would be the consequence of a moment of fullness and tranquility. I won’t say it wasn’t planned, because it was. My daughter’s father (Militao) really wanted to experience this and so did I. When we ended the relationship, I still had Cecilia in my womb and I wondered if it had been the right decision.. Today I see that my daughter was the best event of my life. It was my rebirth. I readjusted my priorities and matured. Through her I discovered who I really am and I began to believe much more in my power as a woman, as a force”.

The final stretch of Karoline’s pregnancy and delivery were marked by her break with the Real Madrid footballer. “The pregnancy was very problematic. I projected a dream that also became mine. The family, the future… But everything ended as it should. Today I understand that it was for my own good. Maybe if I had been different I would not have become the person I am today and I am very proud of it.”. In those days that she suffered the consequences of her separation, Karoline lived through “very delicate moments” and did not have support, although luckily for her, her friend Priscila left everything of hers and moved to Madrid to be with her. she.

Now the relationship between Karoline Lima and Militao is cordial, as they demonstrated with a photo together the day their daughter celebrated her first 11 months of life. “We have a mother and father relationship. We talk to each other when we need to resolve something about Cecilia, who is the one that matters in all of this.”.

His beginnings as influencer

“My first boyfriend worked with social networks and was a good friend of a well-known person. At that time, I was studying fashion design at university and I wasn’t even considering changing my profession. However, I started to follow his routine and he was always present. People naturally began to take an interest in me, going to my profile. So I started filming more of my routine photographing as a model. Little by little this was bringing me profitability. I graduated from university, but I knew that my purpose was another”.

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