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Kate del Castillo and her controversial statements about motherhood: “We are not just ovaries, vagina and fallopian tubes”

Kate del Castillo She reaffirmed her decision not to be a mother and gave some controversial statements about women and motherhood in the Chiquis Rivera podcast, ‘Chiquis and Child’, which have caused a lot of commotion.

And it is that despite the fact that the statements of the actress, who has just turned 50, are from four months ago, they have gained relevance because she has said that being a mother is not an obligation and women should not feel pressured to be because it is what what society expects of them.

“I never wanted children and because it will be heard badly. You are the owner of your life and you can do what you want, not what others want you to do. It never caught my attention, it’s a lot of responsibility. I am an actress, let them criticize my work, not me”said Kate del Castillo In the beginning.

I have never wanted to order children. If I had wanted it, I would have done it, period. It has never been a topic that has caught my attention, partly because of the bad experiences I have had with my ex-partners.”, he revealed and reaffirmed his thought that women “are more than a reproductive body”.

“We are not just a reproductive body, we are not just ovaries, vagina and fallopian tubes. We are more than that.” He specified, while clarifying: “Maybe today I don’t want to and tomorrow I do (be a mother). What is the problem? The most important thing is to be honest with you and the rest doesn’t matter to anyone.”

Selfish is not in my vocabulary, it has a negative connotation because that is how society is, but it seems to me that it is the most beautiful thing there is: You have to put yourself first love ourselves first and then provide for others”, ended on the subject.


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