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Kate Winslet was paid 20 times less than her partner for this cult film

kate winslet a ete payee 20 fois moins que son partenaire pour ce film culte.jpg

This Thursday, October 5, Kate Winslet celebrates her 48th birthday. Did you know that the actress who starred in a series of films was paid 20 times less than her partner for this feature film which has entered the history of cinema.

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Twenty-six years ago it came out Titanic. A film to watch today on Disney+ and which has marked the history of cinema but also an entire generation. In theaters, James Cameron’s film was a real success, bringing in $2.2 billion in revenue worldwide and thus becoming the first film to reach the symbolic billion-dollar mark. Titanic remains to this day the most viewed film at the French box office with more than 22 million admissions! Leonardo DiCaprio, the film’s star actor, earned $40 million for his role as Jack. We would therefore imagine that Kate Winslet, her co-star, who played Rose, would have received the same amount… This is unfortunately far from being the case. If she is world famous today, this was not the case in 1997. It was difficult to negotiate her salary correctly, especially since no one could predict the success of Titanic !

Titanic : a lucrative deal for Leonardo DiCaprio

Kate Winslet received $2 million for her role, a colossal sum for a little-known young actress. But a sum well below the salary of Leonardo DiCaprio, who had anticipated the success of Titanic and therefore agreed with the film studio on a “small” share of 1.8% of the film’s total revenues. Well done to him! Kate Winslet unfortunately did not have the same flair…

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Titanic: Kate Winslet now experienced

Since then, the actress has made up for it! She was then noted for her performances in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Reader, The Holiday or even in The Rebel Wedding. His career has earned him several awards, including seven Academy Awards. A fine track record which now allows him to negotiate a more than adequate salary for his collaborations, whether in cinema or on television. To play Detective Sheehan in Mare of EasttownKate Winslet earned no less than $650,000 per episode, according to Variety. The actress would therefore have earned more than 4.5 million dollars for her seven episodes.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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