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Katia Palma on her liposuction process: “My goal is to be like Paloma Fiuza”

In a recent interview that he gave to the channel Veronica Linares YouTube, Katia Palma she recounted little-known details of the liposuction she underwent to have the figure she now has.

The driver acknowledged that she opted for this procedure because she did not feel good about herself.

“You always want to look good. I pulled a little. Of course it scared me (…) (I waited to get lipo because) I like how I looked until now, within your four walls, you say there is something that is not working. That’s when I do my solo show ‘Los rollos de Katia’. A mental scroll is also important to tell, so it was necessary, and I was telling my life, from how I was born to all the things that had happened to me, until accepting myself as I am with the help of the doctor and I tell my life and the things that they told me ”was honest before the journalist.

At another time, Katia made Linares laugh when she confessed that her goal is to look like Dove Fiuza. He explained generating laughter from those present.

The comic actress also admitted that after liposuction she had to acquire new habits to maintain her weight. “If I eat, I’m going to gain weight and well after dieting, I did the last thing. You deprive yourself of a lot of things, but now I do a lot of things like exercising, which is hard for me”he admitted.

Katia Palma He gave an interview for the channel Christopher Gianotti’s YouTubewhere she opened up and confessed that at some point in her life she did consider becoming a mother.

“Have you ever thought about settling down?” Gianotti asked, to which Katia replied: “Yes, surely when I have the right person.” “Children?”, asked the interviewer.

Faced with the question, Katia said that now she does not want to be a mother; However, she was not always firm to that idea, because years ago she did want to have children.

“Not. Nerd. I’ll be honest. At some point in my life, when I was 33, the idea of ​​having children crossed my mind. I said, I’m still chibola, a couple of years older, I reached 37 and looked at my friends with their children, all haggard, gray-haired, made my… And I felt young, I slept off my hangover, I traveled. Until I said I think not, children are not for me. I don’t feel bad, I have two dogs, they are like children, they make me spend like children, if I could send them to school I would send them”, He commented generating the interviewer’s laughter.

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