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Katy Perry opens up about her sobriety pact with Orlando Bloom

Katy Perry opens up about her sobriety pact with Orlando Bloom

Katy Perry y Orlando Bloom They can boast of being one of the most consolidated relationships on the international scene and the world of celebrities. The happy couple has shared a multitude of moments together, and also experiences, and it is that they both decided to make a sobriety pact.

The singer and the actor decided to go three months without drinking a drop of alcohol, and that Perry pointed out that “I don’t drink much, but at the weekend I indulge in a whim”. With all this, he decided to sign this pact as an act of solidarity.

A pact that he spoke about precisely in an interview with the magazine ‘People‘, also telling the reason that led them to the challenge: “We did this because he is currently shooting a film in London that is taking all his attention and I wanted the opportunity to support him.. It is very difficult, whether it is a cleanse or a disconnection, unless you do it with your partner. So doing it together makes it so much easier”.

The singer admits that this break also came in handy: “It was an opportunity to disconnect” and “just let my body recover a little bit.”. “I have had a pretty good relationship with the search for balance. I love having my moments of disconnection especially being 38 years old, juggling the intensity that comes with my career and with a little girl that you cannot be still”, he added.

You’ve made a sobriety plan before

The most curious thing is that it is not the first time that Katy Perry has undergone a sobriety pact, since she already did so after divorcing Russell Brand in 2012: “You know, I tried a lot of different ways. I surrounded myself with good friends, I did this whole cleaning process where I didn’t drink any alcohol for three months and it was devastating. He had to take vitamins and supplements, walk, meditate and pray”.

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