So keep oranges and

Winter is the season for oranges and tangerines, 2 fruits that are very important for our health and widely used in the kitchen. Like any fruit, the quality of their flavor also depends on how we store it. If we store oranges and tangerines correctly, they will not only last a long time, but will also remain juicy and sweet. Today we want to explain how to best preserve them without making mistakes.

Citrus fruits are a class of fruit that is highly appreciated both for their properties and for their aroma and flavour. Oranges and tangerines are not only excellent for preparing jams and marmalades, but also for delicious puddings and delicious cakes.

If we want to enjoy these fruits to the fullest we need to know how to do it. Today we will explain to you 3 very simple and effective methods which will allow you to have juicy oranges and tangerines for a long time.

Oranges and tangerines are also ideal for desserts and cakes

Oranges and tangerines are also ideal for puddings and

Properties and benefits of oranges and tangerines

Consuming these citrus fruits regularly can help us help to counteract the evils of the season. In fact, oranges and tangerines are fruits rich in vitamins A and C, but also in potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

Like other citrus fruits, these fruits are an excellent source of antioxidants. In addition, oranges and tangerines contribute a good amount of fiber which help maintain regular intestinal activity and fight diabetes and high cholesterol.

Keep oranges and tangerines like this! 3 hacks you don’t know to try now

After talking about the beneficial effects of these precious fruits, let’s find out together how to preserve them. Citrus fruits are kept for an average long timebut the place and the way of conservation have an important effect.

After you buy them, try not to subject them to continuous thermal shocks. You can choose to store oranges and tangerines in an airy room with little humidity: in this way they will not get moldy. Put them in a fruit box or in a basket, protected by a blanket or some newspaper.

It is essential that the fruit is protected from sunlight: these would make them ripen very quickly leading them to rot. If you have spacious rooms, 2 perfect places are the balcony or terrace.

We can keep them in a fruit box, but also in the freezer

We can keep them in a fruit box, but also in the

We can store them in the fridge and freezer

Oranges and tangerines they will be kept with and without the peel even for 4 weeks inside the refrigerator. Let’s put them away in a plastic food bag without closing it and place them in the fridge in the drawer provided for storing the fruit. In this way we will eliminate excess moisture.

Alternatively, we can freeze them. We wash and dry the fruit well, cut it into slices or get the wedges after peeling them. Put them in freezer bags and put them in the freezer. In this way they will also last 6 months.

A little-known but very effective method for storing oranges and tangerines for a long time

This is probably the least known method, but it will allow us to keep the fruit as freshly bought for weeks.

To keep them sweet and juicy for a long time, we immerse these citrus fruits in a container full of water and put it in the fridge. Keep oranges and tangerines like this! 3 tricks you don’t know, but you won’t be able to do without.


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