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Kevin Spacey taken to hospital after risk of "heart attack"his relatives give news

kevin spacey transporte d urgence a l hopital apres un risque de crise cardiaque les proches de l ac.jpeg

Kevin Spacey, the actor who left his mark on the series House of Cardswas rushed to hospital after a suspected heart attack due to several matching symptoms, announced The Sun.

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A huge scare for Kevin Spacey during the 15th Tashkent International Film Festival in Uzbekistan! A little earlier in the week, the actor, known to subscribers of the streaming platform Netflix for his role in the hit series House of Cardswas rushed to hospital for suspicion of “heart attack”unveiled The Sun. Indeed, Kevin Spacey was inside the Afrasiyab Museum, in the ancient city of Samarkand, on the Silk Road, in Uzbekistan, one of the largest archaeological sites in the world, when he felt “his entire left arm goes numb for about eight seconds”. They then decided to quickly take him to the hospital to check if the Oscar-winning actor for his roles in The Usual Suspects And American Beauty was indeed having a heart attack.

Kevin Spacey: more fear than harm for the actor

Kevin Spacey was then taken to the city’s Innova diagnostic clinic to undergo a series of heart tests, including an MRI, to ensure he was not having a heart attack. After the results, doctors were able to say that the actor was fine and that he was not about to feel unwell. “Mr. Spacey was taken to a medical center for health reasons. He was treated professionally by the doctors and staff and found no heart problems”shared a close friend of the actor to our American colleagues.

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“It really made me take a moment to think about the fragility of life”Kevin Spacey spoke out after this big scare at the Tashkent International Film Festival

Kevin Spacey then appeared on stage at the Tashkent International Film Festival on Monday (October 2) after the accident earlier in the day and stated that his health condition was “normal”. “It really made me take a moment to think about how fragile life is – for all of us”the actor told the guests during the closing speech of the event.

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