You are currently viewing Kiko Rivera: “I could have died on one of my crazy nights”

Kiko Rivera He seems to be living a new stage of his life. The artist, completely away from the television spotlight, has wanted to focus on his music, having recently released the song ‘The Mambo’. A happy song with which the DJ look for the “good vibes” in your life.

Now, the son of Isabel Pantoja and Francisco Rivera ‘Paquirri’, has been the protagonist of an interview he gave to Jordi Wild on his YouTube channel, ‘The Wild Project’where they have had enough time to talk at length about their lives, and to open up about some of the chapters they have experienced.

Kiko has talked about the time when his name appeared everywhere, when fame was knocking at his door at all times, and brands fought over their image: “It was so successful that my cache began to triple and quadruple. Up to 60,000 euros for taking photos”.

That money called for more money when he was only a teenager, and that was when other problems appeared in his life such as addictions: “It came very easy to me and when things come easy, they go easy. It created a problem for me that I would almost tell you for life and that today I continue to fight against it.. I’m very well, but I’ve had a very bad time and it comes from there. A guy with 18 years, 100.00 euros every weekgo figure…”.

Your problem with addictions

A series of addiction problems that were on the verge of leaving him lifeless, as Rivera himself has said: “I could have died on one of my crazy nights when I took 10 grams of cocaine. I’m telling you that I have paid for many years by consuming daily. “I’m pretty good.”

Now, after many years, and after suffering various health scares, Kiko Rivera faces life in a different way, with joy, with his people, with Irene Rosalesand his sons, Francisco (as a result of his relationship with Jessica Bueno), Well y Charlotte.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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