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Kiko Rivera talks about the arrest of his friend Antonio Tejado: One doesn’t even know what to think

Kiko Rivera talks about the arrest of his friend Antonio Tejado: One doesn't even know what to think

It is almost a month since the arrest of Antonio Tejado for being the alleged intellectual author of the robbery of his aunt Mara del Monte’s home with the help of seven other people. An alleged organized gang that would have also attacked other houses in the area such as that of Sergio Ramos and Pilar Rubio in the municipality of Bollullos de la Mitacin. While the investigation continues, the former television collaborator maintains his innocence, stating that falsehoods are being spread about me.

The detainee’s family and friends remain in shock. One of those who still does not believe everything that has happened is Kiko Rivera, Isabel Pantoja’s son, who maintains a great friendship with Antonio Tejado, although completely distancing himself from what happened. In an interview with journalist Pilar Vidal for ABC, the DJ explains how he experienced the news of the alleged robbery perpetrated by María del Monte’s son and his subsequent entry into prison.

At first, Kiko Rivera has been reluctant to talk about this matter: It is a topic that I do not want to touch on because I come from music promotion. At the insistence of Pilar Vidal, the television station has had no other option but to give its opinion. What do you want me to tell you… It’s something so extremely strong that I don’t even know what to say to you.and. When I found out, I was shocked and not only because of him but because I know the entire family.he adds, alluding to the great friendship that for years united Isabel Pantoja with María del Monte.

I have always gotten along very well with everyone and you don’t know what to think or what to say, says Irene Rosales’ husband again. It catches you offside and you don’t know what the right thing to do is. Nothing like this has ever happened to me and I don’t know how to react in a case this strong, he also expresses on ABC.

The new life of Kiko Rivera

In his interview with the aforementioned media, Kiko Rivera takes advantage of the opportunity to make known what his new life is like away from the media spotlight and television dishes. I have changed a lot from my youth to now andThe truth is that I am much happier, with less and with many fewer luxuries, but much happier. I am also trying to save for my children’s future, so that when they are older, I can help them with everything they need with the work their father is doing, he says.

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