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King Charles III breaks with Queen tradition in first Christmas speech

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Of: Jonas Erbas


For King Charles III. was his first Christmas speech ever. In contrast to Queen Elizabeth II (†), the monarch became unusually political. But the 74-year-old was also sentimental.

Windsor – Every year since 1957, Queen Elizabeth II († 96) addressed the British people just in time for Christmas; Now, a good three months after her death, this task is incumbent on her son and heir to the throne for the first time King Charles III (74). He turned to the nation from St. George’s Chapel near Windsor Castle, where his parents are buried, and proved with equally sentimental and open words that he was pursuing a different course than his mother, who died on September 8, 2022.

King Charles III gives first Christmas speech – much more political than Queen Elizabeth II.

Even King Charles III. The choice of location for his Christmas speech represented change: while Queen Elizabeth II had always reported from her salon for the celebration, the new monarch spoke to the British from the traditional Windsor Castle. For the first time in 70 years, the national anthem was played at the opening with the appropriately adapted line of text “God Save the King”.

In his first Christmas speech, King Charles III. his deceased mother, but broke with her course: In contrast to Queen Elizabeth II (†), the monarch became political in his speech (photomontage) © i Images/Imago

But the 74-year-old also pursued a different course than the late queen in terms of subject matter: There was a “time of great fear and distress,” according to King Charles III, who was not only alluding to the conflicts and crises that were prevalent worldwide, but also criticized them the conditions within his own home country.

There, millions of citizens are struggling with the increased food and energy costs – a circumstance that made the politically neutral royal head use unusually clear words: He warmly thanked the employees in the public sector and in the social and health services for their “selfless commitment” and thus showed solidarity with those who are currently on strike in view of the high inflation. Queen Elizabeth II has traditionally avoided broaching such issues – her son’s words come across as indirect criticism of the government.

Emotional words from King Charles III. – Monarch pays tribute to late Queen Elizabeth II

Nevertheless, King Charles III showed up. also from a very personal side, as he commemorated his “beloved” mother: “We sense her absence at every familiar season and remember her at every cherished tradition,” said the 74-year-old monarch, speaking the months after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II described as a “moving time”.

The royal family is gradually becoming calmer for the holiday season after the past few weeks for King Charles III. and Co. were partly nerve-wracking. The reason for this is the “Harry & Meghan” documentary, in which the couple openly attacks the royal family. Sources used:,

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