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Konny Reimann shocked by the shopping bill

TV fans have known Konny Reimann as a pragmatist for many years. In terms of craftsmanship, there is no project that Konny would not tackle. Superficial things like his appearance, on the other hand, are less his. When his lover Manu goes shopping, “he always sits down on a bench and waits,” the wife let the TV audience know in the latest episode of “Welcome to the Reimanns” (Sundays, 8:15 p.m., cable one) know. Manu was all the more surprised that her husband went shopping in a frenzy at a cowboy store in Chicago.

Cowboy boots, the matching fringed leather jacket, a belt buckle – Konny could hardly be stopped. “But yours is still good, isn’t it?” Manu interjected sheepishly when Konny tried on the umpteenth leather jacket. “You have to say that: You buy 140 panties, where I say two are enough,” teased the emigrant. So far, Manu had only seen her treasure so committed in the hardware store, but the Wild West had Konny firmly under control: “You just have to choose the right shop, then Konny will also become addicted to shopping.”

And cowboy boots are not that far apart from his other passions, Konny drew interesting parallels: “It’s like grills, you can’t have enough of them, or generators.” So the pockets filled almost by themselves – and At the end of the shopping Konny put a whopping 1,600 euros on the counter. He could hardly believe it himself: “We’ve never had a shopping day like today in our long-standing marriage – we’ve known each other for 450 years.”

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